Piecework magazine, September/October 2011. 56 pages, complete and unmarked, with some edgewear, spine creases and tear along edge of back cover.
The articles and projects are all inspired by books.
Feature articles include:
Cross-Stitch Encryption - Quicksilver
Needlework in Children's Literature
Agnes and Her Silk Stockings - Short Story
The Law of Crochet - Punch Magazine
Miss Silver: Detective, Knitter
General Jinjur's Army of Knitters - The Land of Oz
Maggie Tulliver's Needlework - The Mill on the Floss
A Dutch Poem and Knitting in the Netherlands
Projects include:
A Pouch with a Secret Message to Embroider
Venetian Needle Lace and Waves Medallion
Crochet Castle Antimacassar to Filet Crochet
Agnes's Silk Stockings to Knit
Baby Booties a la Miss Silver to Knit
General Jinjur's Jumper to Knit
Maggie's Muffatees to Knit
Dutch Skating Mittens to Knit