Piecework magazine, May/June 1996, 80 pages. In Good used condition with light general edgewear.
Piecework magazine's motto is "Craft and History Hand in Hand". They have well-written articles about knitting, crochet, lacemaking, etc., etc., all over the world, plus they give you the opportunity to learn the techniques with their "Things to Make" section.
Contents of this issue include:
Knitted Cotton Coverlets
Waste Not, Want Not: Sock-top Quilts, Red Heel Sock Monkey and Hobbyhorse
Hooray America: Embroidered Flour Sacks
Stumpwork: Small Worlds of Sculptural Embroidery
Sash of the Voyaguer
Dorothy Burnham: Seeking the Essence of Things
Projects include:
Tatted and Crocheted Butterflies
Knitted Cotton Squares
Flour-sack Towels to Embroider
A Stumpwork Butterfly to Stitch
Finger-woven Bookmarks
Plus much more!